Creating High Performing Teams and Culture


Bespoke workshop focusing on the pillars that are decided by you and your team.

Post the High Performing Team assessment, the team collectively decides on the top 3 priority areas to work on to ensure maximum results in the shortest amount of time. Each workshop is unique and completely tailored to each team.

What is the High Performance Team Assessment?

In conjunction with Dr John Molineux, Kirk Peterson of Performance Shift has developed a proprietary High Performance Team (HPT) Diagnostic. Based on proven data science, Performance Shift’s proprietary HPT diagnostic quantitatively measures and analyses each of the 10 high performance levers. Our research shows that a high performance team always has 10 key levers operating optimally.


Applying the diagnostic, a detailed analysis of each lever is undertaken and a bespoke team report is developed, clearly mapping which levers offer the greatest opportunity for improvement. In the report, the data for each lever is outlined and graded in isolation and also analysed in relation to the 9 other levers, prioritising which levers are in most urgent need of attention. Using this diagnostic to determine issues and development opportunities maximises return on investment by channeling funds into the most critical areas.

What is the outcome of the workshop?

  • Aligned team with a clear path forward

  • A team playbook

  • Improved engagement

  • Measurable data to re-test and show progression